NBC, McDonald’s, Netflix, and State Farm all have a sound. Did you just sing it? Brands are discovering the power and flexibility of making sound on purpose. Let’s talk about it. Subscribe to the Sound In Marketing monthly newsletter today. http://eepurl.com/gDxl6b Let’s make this world of sound more intriguing, more unique, and more and more on brand.
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
In part two of this episode, we talked with Bob Stolzberg of VoiceXP about how Alexa Skills can both provide a service for your company as well as being a service to the community as a whole. It’s another place to make a name or a “voice” for yourself.
Some great examples that Bob elaborated on was how cities and municipalities can use it for emergency management and response systems, how the government will be using it to get out election related information to the public. Politicians can relate direct from source information to their constituents. Even real estate agents and podcasters like myself can use these skills to push audience growth and to strengthen their network and pipeline.
Bob also believes that the voice industry presents the biggest opportunities for women, minorities, and veterans. As Bob says, “Voice is a great way to get into a technical career without any prior experience”. VoiceXP isn’t just saying that, they’re taking action and supporting women to succeed. They go as far as partnering with the Girl Scouts, teaching them how to build a skill. Details and more on special offers for this within the episode.
As an added bonus, VoiceXP will give a free premium license for personal use to all Women In Voice members. So women, sign up with Women In Voice, sign up with VoiceXP, and empower your projects today.
For screen grabs and for the full blog, click here.
Voice is here and it’s coming at us in a big way. Take the time to experiment and learn this new voice technology now before anyone else and your brand will thank you.
The mission of the Sound In Marketing podcast is to peak your interest, or possibly even blow your mind. Let’s think outside the box at what is hovering all around us; sound. It’s powerful, it’s engaging, it’s us.
If you enjoyed today’s episode, please follow, subscribe, leave a review, and share. You can follow and subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, iHeart Radio, Pandora, and Stitcher.
And don’t forget to enter promo code SOUNDINMARKETING for your one month free trial of Stitcher Premium. The link and promo code will be listed in the show notes of this episode.
To get ahold of my guest Bob Stolzberg, you can find him at VoiceXP.com or on Linkedin for some great video features.
For inquiries on producing and developing your own podcast or for inquiries on sonic branding and sonic branding consultation availabilities, you can find us on the Dreamr Productions website, LinkedIn, and Facebook. You can also email me at jeanna@dreamrproductions.com.
The Sound In Marketing Podcast was produced by Dreamr Productions and hosted, written, and edited by me, Jeanna Isham.
Let’s make this world of sound more intriguing, more unique, and more and more on brand.
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
In part one of this episode, we talked with Bob Stolzberg of VoiceXP about creating Alexa Skills for your brand in a code free way and what an Alexa Skill actually is. Having an Alexa Skill will have an ROI on your brand. Here are just a few examples. It can help build a customer contact list for your company, relay information about your products and services, increase your ranking for search engines.
Don’t forget to tune into Part Two because it gets really good. The GOOD that can come out of smart speaker technology is absolutely amazing. Bob brought up some great uses for Alexa Skills that I NEVER would have thought of.
For screen grabs and for the full blog, click here.
Voice is here and it’s coming at us in a big way. Take the time to experiment and learn this new voice technology now before anyone else and your brand will thank you.
The mission of the Sound In Marketing podcast is to peak your interest, or possibly even blow your mind. Let’s think outside the box at what is hovering all around us; sound. It’s powerful, it’s engaging, it’s us.
If you enjoyed today’s episode, please follow, subscribe, leave a review, and share. You can follow and subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, iHeart Radio, Pandora, and Stitcher.
And don’t forget to enter promo code SOUNDINMARKETING for your one month free trial of Stitcher Premium. The link and promo code will be listed in the show notes of this episode.
To get ahold of my guest Bob Stolzberg, you can find him at VoiceXP.com or on Linkedin for some great video features.
For inquiries on producing and developing your own podcast or for inquiries on sonic branding and sonic branding consultation availabilities, you can find us on the Dreamr Productions website, LinkedIn, and Facebook. You can also email me at jeanna@dreamrproductions.com.
The Sound In Marketing Podcast was produced by Dreamr Productions and hosted, written, and edited by me, Jeanna Isham.
Let’s make this world of sound more intriguing, more unique, and more and more on brand.
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
In this episode, Andreas Cooper of Smart Voice Systems and I discuss focusing on subtle and sincere voice marketing instead of a “sell”, creating community within voice marketing, creating a personality for our voice marketing, customized voicing for brands (it’s not just about Alexa and Siri’s voices anymore), the limitations to massive creativity with hospitality voice systems but the possibility for it with a little more time and vision, and future thoughts on voice in hospitality as integrations and data progresses.
Although, as Andreas said, the hotel industry may be slow to adapt, there is a vast opportunity for them once they do. Having voice assistance right in their room, the guest can have all the creature comforts, conveniences and food and activity suggestions they could possibly want. And that hotel can be driving their own revenue in the meantime with ad sell generation from all those helping guide that guests stay along the way.
Special thanks to my guest Andreas Cooper for a great discussion. You can find Andreas on Linkedin and for more information on his company and what he could do for you, go to SmartVoiceSystems.NZ.
If you enjoyed today’s episode, please follow, subscribe, leave a review, and share. You can follow and subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, iHeart Radio, Pandora, and Stitcher.
And don’t forget to enter promo code SOUNDINMARKETING for your one month free trial of Stitcher Premium. The link and promo code will be listed in the show notes of this episode.
For inquiries on producing and developing your own podcast or for inquiries on sonic branding and sonic branding consultation availabilities, you can find us on the Dreamr Productions website, LinkedIn, and Facebook. You can also email me at jeanna@dreamrproductions.com.
The Sound In Marketing Podcast was produced by Dreamr Productions and hosted, written, and edited by me, Jeanna Isham. Special guest was Andreas Cooper from Smart Voice Systems.
The mission of the Sound In Marketing podcast is to peak your interest, or possibly even blow your mind. Let’s think outside the box at what is hovering all around us; sound. It’s powerful, it’s engaging, it’s us.
Let’s make this world of sound more intriguing, more unique, and more and more on brand.
For the full blog article of this conversation, click here.
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
In this episode, Andreas Cooper from Smart Voice Systems and I talked about merging old and new technology to make a smoother transition for the hospitality industry, how the Volara software is different, and his partnerships with hotels to help educate and introduce voice technology; what is the benefit and expectations.
Hotels are still new to the game in voice technology but when they fully embrace it the effect will be quite lucrative in many different ways. The hospitality industry is a great space for voice assistance to help guide and inform guests on what their trip and stay will look like. It also can increase revenue, efficiency, and ease of stay for the guests themselves.
The mission of the Sound In Marketing podcast is to peak your interest, or possibly even blow your mind. Let’s think outside the box at what is hovering all around us; sound. It’s powerful, it’s engaging, it’s us.
If you enjoyed today’s episode, please follow, subscribe, leave a review, and share. You can follow and subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, iHeart Radio, Pandora, and Stitcher.
And don’t forget to enter promo code SOUNDINMARKETING for your one month free trial of Stitcher Premium. The link and promo code will be listed in the show notes of this episode.
For inquiries on producing and developing your own podcast or for inquiries on sonic branding and sonic branding consultation availabilities, you can find us on the Dreamr Productions website, LinkedIn, and Facebook. You can also email me at jeanna@dreamrproductions.com.
The Sound In Marketing Podcast was produced by Dreamr Productions and hosted, written, and edited by me, Jeanna Isham. Special guest was Andreas Cooper from Smart Voice Systems.
Let’s make this world of sound more intriguing, more unique, and more and more on brand.
For the full blog article of this conversation, click here.
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Episode 20 - Sonic Signatures With Jon Brennan and Sean Beeson [Part Two]
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
In this episode, we talked about establishing an audio DNA for a brand, merging sonic branding within user experience audio, and forecasts of what the sound marketing landscape will look like in the future.
This sound revolution age isn’t going away. It will only become more and more relevant as voice technology adoption and creation continues. It is important now more than ever to find your brand sound identity.
There is even a shift towards creating a unique voice to reflect a brand before Alexa or Siri even starts talking. Smart, in my opinion. This will create an even more engaged and invested relationship between man and machine. Custom sound makes things you buy more “premium”. It creates a unique experience.
Hardware to software devices are listening. They are even starting to listen to each other. How do we stay ahead of that and “see” it coming?
Brand Sense by Martin Lindstrom is a great reference of where the focus on sensorial marketing should be as well as where it is going.
For more information on Sonic Signatures, go to www.sonicsignatures.io
Don’t forget to subscribe, like, share, and follow and reviews are always appreciated.
Let’s make this world of sound more intriguing, more unique, and more and more on brand.
For inquiries on producing and developing your own podcast or for inquiries on sonic branding and sonic branding consultation availabilities, you can find us on the Dreamr Productions website, LinkedIn, and Facebook. You can also email me at jeanna@dreamrproductions.com.
The mission of the Sound In Marketing podcast is to peak your interest, or possibly even blow your mind. Let’s think outside the box at what is hovering all around us; sound. It’s powerful, it’s engaging, it’s us.
The Sound In Marketing Podcast was produced by Dreamr Productions and hosted, written, and edited by me, Jeanna Isham. Special guests were Jon Brennan and Sean Beeson from Sonic Signatures.
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Episode 19- Sonic Signatures With Jon Brennan and Sean Beeson [Part One]
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
In this episode, we talked about Sonic Signatures and what they do, the importance of considering what platform you are using before creating your campaign, the education of brands and agencies on new best practices in this new era of audio marketing, and how important it is to designate music and sound as part of your branding; not just an afterthought.
Now-a-days, we have an endless amount of musical options from production music catalogs and libraries. It’s easy to get overwhelmed or just not want to spend the time to find music that fits both the commercial spot and your brand. But as we get deeper into this “screenless society” that we are becoming, the importance of taking that time becomes greater. We must put sound and music into consideration during the creative creation process. It must have a home alongside our marketing foresight.
For more information on Sonic Signatures, go to www.sonicsignatures.io
Don’t forget to subscribe, like, share, and follow and reviews are always appreciated.
Let’s make this world of sound more intriguing, more unique, and more and more on brand.
For inquiries on producing and developing your own podcast or for inquiries on sonic branding and sonic branding consultation availabilities, you can find us on the Dreamr Productions website, LinkedIn, and Facebook. You can also email me at jeanna@dreamrproductions.com.
The mission of the Sound In Marketing podcast is to peak your interest, or possibly even blow your mind. Let’s think outside the box at what is hovering all around us; sound. It’s powerful, it’s engaging, it’s us.
The Sound In Marketing Podcast was produced by Dreamr Productions and hosted, written, and edited by me, Jeanna Isham. Special guests were Jon Brennan and Sean Beeson from Sonic Signatures.
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Episode 18- Sound Saves The Day
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
In this episode, I discussed:
- Vibroacoustic therapy, a non pharmacological non invasive therapy that has a proven track record of a massive reduction of symptoms in patients suffering from cancer, heart, lung, and blood disorders, infectious diseases, mood disorders, and miscellaneous conditions.
- Sound vibrations can actually contribute to an experience of relaxation and pain management. 40-80Hz is considered the most “therapeutic” frequency range.
- Understanding the power of sound vibrations can help marketers curate the type of music and sounds they incorporate into the brand that they manage.
- “Alarm fatigue” in hospitals have created a massive push for a more cultivated sound design to equipment and infrastructure of hospitals. Along with the Affordable Health Care Act turning hospitals into a “sell”, the future of sound in healthcare is very exciting.
- Sound agencies such as Man Made Music, HealthTunes and Sen Sound are 100% on board are doing a lot to reveal new and exciting opportunities for the improvement of sound in healing.
- If sound can be attributed to the healing process of cancer patients, it most certainly has the power to affect our audience in a favorable way.
For the full article on this episode, click here.
The mission of the Sound In Marketing podcast is to peak your interest, or possibly even blow your mind. Let’s think outside the box at what is hovering all around us; sound. It’s powerful, it’s engaging, it’s us.
This podcast was produced by Dreamr Productions and hosted, written, and edited by me, Jeanna Isham. A big thank you to www.freesound.org for the sound effects for this episode.
For inquiries on producing and developing your own podcast or for inquiries on sonic branding and sonic branding consultations availabilities, you can find me at www.dreamrproductions.com or email me at jeanna@dreamrproductions.com. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn, or follow me on Facebook.
Let’s make this world of sound more intriguing, more unique, and more and more on brand.
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Episode 17- Alexa, Send Me A Sample
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
In this episode, I discussed a number of different topics including:
- The progression of voice technology in smart speaker “skills” as well as the consumers’ interest.
- The March 2019 Smart Speaker Consumer Report from Voicebot.ai
- The 2019 State of Voice Assistants as a Marketing Channel report.
- Food industry and their lead into utilizing voice tech at present.
- Where and how people are voice shopping.
- Adobe Digital Insights (ADI) survey.
- The opportunity and advantages of experimenting now will pay out in the future.
For a free month of Stitcher Premium, enter promo code SOUNDINMARKETING for your one month free trial of Stitcher Premium. The link and promo code will be listed in the show notes of this episode.
If you need help in developing what your Sound In Marketing landscape may look like, don’t hesitate to reach out and let’s brainstorm together. You can find me at www.dreamrproductions.com or email me at jeanna@dreamrproductions.com. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn, or Facebook.
Let’s make this world of sound more intriguing, more unique, and more and more on brand.
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
In this episode of Sound In Marketing, Scott and I discussed:
- Veritonic, an audio effectiveness and measurement platform.
- How Veritonic gains attention and clientele.
- Convincing the world that what the consumer “hears” matters.
- Adopting new ways of thinking in the marketing world is not an easy feat.
- Audio as an afterthought on a sound first platform is a recipe for disaster.
- New technology gives us the ability to course-correct in real time with incredibly specific and detailed predictive data.
For the full breakdown blog of these episodes, go to the blog.
Veritonic also just announced the launch of their new Predictive Veritonic Audio Score.
Built on machine listening and learning (M-LAL), the new technology generates an instant, comprehensive score for marketers and others to understand how their audio creative stacks up to others like it and make fast, informed decisions as a result.
Click here for more details and read their article in Advertising Week on the subject.
I hope you enjoyed today's episode of Sound In Marketing. Don’t forget to follow and subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, iHeart Radio, and Stitcher.
For a free month of Stitcher Premium, go to stitcher.com/premium and enter promo code SOUNDINMARKETING at checkout.
To get ahold of Scott, you can email him at Scott@veritonic.com or visit the Veritonic website at www.veritonic.com.
To get ahold of me, you can find me at Dreamr Productions. That’s www.dreamrproductions.com , Linkedin and Facebook. You can also email me at jeanna@dreamrproductions.com. I’d be happy to chat about any and all sound in marketing questions so don’t hesitate to reach out.
Let’s make this world of sound more intriguing, more unique, and more and more on brand.
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
In this episode of Sound In Marketing, Scott and I discussed:
- Veritonic, an audio effectiveness and measurement platform.
- How Veritonic gains attention and clientele.
- Convincing the world that what the consumer “hears” matters.
- Adopting new ways of thinking in the marketing world is not an easy feat.
- Audio as an afterthought on a sound first platform is a recipe for disaster.
- New technology gives us the ability to course-correct in real time with incredibly specific and detailed predictive data.
For the full breakdown blog of these episodes, go to the blog.
Veritonic also just announced the launch of their new Predictive Veritonic Audio Score.
Built on machine listening and learning (M-LAL), the new technology generates an instant, comprehensive score for marketers and others to understand how their audio creative stacks up to others like it and make fast, informed decisions as a result.
Click here for more details and read their article in Advertising Week on the subject.
I hope you enjoyed today's episode of Sound In Marketing. Don’t forget to follow and subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, iHeart Radio, and Stitcher.
For a free month of Stitcher Premium, go to stitcher.com/premium and enter promo code SOUNDINMARKETING at checkout.
To get ahold of Scott, you can email him at Scott@veritonic.com or visit the Veritonic website at www.veritonic.com.
To get ahold of me, you can find me at Dreamr Productions. That’s www.dreamrproductions.com , Linkedin and Facebook. You can also email me at jeanna@dreamrproductions.com. I’d be happy to chat about any and all sound in marketing questions so don’t hesitate to reach out.
Let’s make this world of sound more intriguing, more unique, and more and more on brand.